What can man’s wisdom
In the restoring his bereaved sense?
Cordelia, in King Lear, by William Shakespeare
As soon as we go in, it begins. As soon as we leave, it’s not over yet. To go through one of Vânia Rovisco’s shows is like running in every direction only to find the entire universe in one skin pore. It is to recognise by repetition, to continue by cohabitating, to unfold while existing in four dignities: standing, lying down, sitting up, walking. Four ways of being fully ourselves: Rovisco seeks what makes us feel at home in our bodies and what makes us roam the world. Asking about what afflicts, moves, stirs, consoles us. Questioning the everyday action of stepping on the ground.
How do we move between chores, and between meanings when we are 23, 5, 47, 64 years old? What is it like to love, to create, to fail, to disagree, to listen or to stop, as actions and as words? Where do they diverge? Where and how do they fit together? Vânia Rovisco invites us into an immersive experience where each person is the essential cog in the wheel of their choosing.
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